
Basic HMC sampler implementation.


(burn-in-and-thin burn-in-proportion thin-rate samples)
Takes the output of a markov chain, removes a number of burn-in samples
and thins

Accpets: burn-in-proportion

Retruns: samples(n-start:thin-rate:end)
where n-start = (int (* (count samples) burn-in-proportion))


(collapse-identical-samples samples)
Takes an unweighted collection of samples and returns the unique values
allong with a vector of the number of times they occured.  Ordering
correspondings to the times of first apperance


(hmc-chain u grad-u eps num-steps q-start)
Performs Hamiltonian Monte Carlo to construct a Markov Chain

Accepts functions u and grad-u with arguments [q], a parameter eps
that specifies the integration step size, and a parameter num-steps
that specifies the number of integration steps.

Returns a lazy sequence of samples q.


(hmc-integrate grad-u eps num-steps q p)
Preforms leap-frog integration of trajectory.


(hmc-transition u grad-u eps num-steps q-start)
Performs one Hamiltonian Monte Carlo transition update.

Accepts functions u and grad-u with arguments [q], a parameter eps
that specifies the integration step size, and a parameter num-steps
that specifies the number of integration steps.

Returns a new sample q.


(scale-vector v factor)
Scale a vector by a scalar