We would love for you to share the models you develop using Anglican
with the community. To share an interesting model follow these steps.
- git fork Anglican Examples.
- Make a new worksheet containing your model in the fork.
- Create a pull request.
- Explain your new model and what it teaches in the comment.
Improvements to Anglican
Anglican is open source and we encourage community involvement of all
Proposing patches:
- git fork Anglican.
- Make changes in the fork. The code map in the repository
explains the source tree layout and module contents.
- Create a pull request.
- If the pull request resolves an issue, refer to the issue
in the comment.
Reporting bugs
Contributor Style guide
When suggesting fixes/changes/improvements, stick to the following
rules, or discuss before breaking them knowingly.
- Keep the line width within the limit of 80 characters
strictly, below 70 characters whenever possible.
- Use consistent indentation. Whatever your editor (Vim, Emacs,
LightTable) suggests is most probably good enough, but do
not override the indentation manually on a case-by-case
- In Lisp, a closing bracket or parenthesis does not
traditionally start a line. Put closing brackets/parentheses
at the end of expressions they close.
Documenting the code
- Every namespace must have a documentation string describing
the purpose and essential functionality of the namespace.
- Every function must have a documentation string explaining
what the function does and returns.
- Do not leave dead code (commented out code fragments) in the
committed source code. Comments are for humans. Use timbre
(https://github.com/ptaoussanis/timbre) if you need debugging
printouts in the code.
- Comments that take up their own line (or start after an
opening square bracket) should start with a
double semicolon (three, four, five for headers).
- Inline comments should use a single semicolon.
Unit testing
- Prepare enough tests to ensure that the code works correctly,
and changes that break the code are immediately identified.
Place unit tests for module anglican.foo into
test/anglican/foo_test.clj (namespace anglican.foo-test).
- All tests much pass (lein test) before a change to the public